- 7 decembrie 2011
- Postat: ABR Editor
- Categorie Formare profesională
Președintele ABR, prof. Mircea Regneală, a adresat o scrisoare de mulțumire doamnei Patricia H.H. Guy, Counsellor for Public Affairs, pentru sprijinul material și moral acordat de Ambasada Statelor Unite ale Americii în vederea organizării cursului de formare a formatorilor în cultura informației dedicat bibliotecarilor școlari, desfășurat în luna noiembrie, sub egida ABR.
Dear Ms. Patricia Guy,
I would like to thank you on behalf of the Romanian school librarians attending the course on Information Literacy, and also on behalf of the Romanian Library Association (ABR), for the special support you offered us with such generosity. The training course was officially opened with the screening of your video address to participants. Your message was highly appreciated by librarians, since it has made them feel respected for their work. Your remarks regarding the role of libraries and Information Literacy programs raised participants’ awareness of working in key institutions with long term impact in the development of a modern Romanian democratic society.
We organized an intensive three-day course, with 8 -10 hours per day of theory and hands-on sessions. The participants, chosen among the best school librarians around the country, became at their turns trainers on Information Literacy. They will share their newly-acquired knowledge with their colleagues, so that Information Literacy programs become a reality in the Romanian school libraries.
Unfortunately, from the approximately 100 applications for this course, we had to select only 15 candidates. The remaining school librarians will be enrolled in other training sessions on Information Literacy (IL). Taking into account the large number of applications, we would very much appreciate if, according to the available funds, you could consider another grant application for an additional course to Train-the-Trainers on IL for School Librarians. This way, ABR will have a strong corpus of trainers who will teach their colleagues in school libraries.
To assist the trainers on IL, as well as other Romanian librarians, I would like to let you know that ABR has almost completed a Guide on Information Literacy, using another U.S. Embassy grant approved this summer. We would be honored if you could attend the launch of this guide and officially open the event, and meet our colleagues in the Romanian Library Association. We will also welcome Mrs. Dragan, our dear colleague, who has always been close to our library community.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. Mircea Regneala
President of the Romanian Library Association